Representation Matters: Weitzman Institute Symposium

The 2024 Weitzman Institute Virtual Symposium provides a unique opportunity to hear from some of the nation’s top thought leaders, clinicians, researchers, and entrepreneurs who are leading efforts in the Institute’s key priority areas: Social Determinants of Health, Health Systems Transformation, and Workforce Development.

This year’s Symposium theme is Representation Matters. 2024 marks a significant year in electoral politics for 70+ countries across the globe, including the United States. At the Weitzman Institute, we recognize that representation is central to our work in advancing health equity and justice not just during election years, rather, on a daily basis. This Symposium will focus on why and how Representation Matters particularly in the context of health policy, research, clinical training and practice, as well as healthcare innovation and technology.

The Symposium offers a forum for exploring primary care’s challenge of dismantling persistent inequities and recreating and advocating for a more just healthcare system that better meets the needs of its workforce, patients, and communities, particularly those most in need. 

Please join us for this free event.