Kensler K, Liu E, Wetstein S, Onken A, Luffman C, Baker G, Collins L, Schnitt S, Bret-Mounet V, Veta, et al. Automated Quantitative Measures of Terminal Duct Lobular Unit Involution and Breast Cancer Risk. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2020;29(11):2358–2368.
Publications by Year: 2020
Peng C, DuPre N, VoPham T, Heng YJ, Baker GM, Rubadue CA, Glass K, Sonawane A, Zeleznik O, Kraft P, et al. Low dose environmental radon exposure and breast tumor gene expression. BMC Cancer. 2020;20(1):695. doi:10.1186/s12885-020-07184-7
The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified radon and its decay-products as Group-1-human-carcinogens, and with the current knowledge they are linked specifically to lung cancer. Biokinetic models predict that radon could deliver a carcinogenic dose to breast tissue. Our previous work suggested that low-dose radon was associated with estrogen-receptor (ER)-negative breast cancer risk. However, there is limited research to examine the role of radon in breast cancer biology at the tissue level. We aim to understand molecular pathways linking radon exposure with breast cancer biology using transcriptome-wide-gene-expression from breast tumor and normal-adjacent tissues.
McGee E, Kim C, Wang, Spiegelman, Stover D, Heng Y, Collins L, Baker G, Farvid M, Schedin, et al. Erythrocyte membrane fatty acids and breast cancer risk by tumor tissue expression of immuno-inflammatory markers and fatty acid synthase: a nested case-control study. Breast Can Res. 2020;22:78.
DuPre NC, Heng Y, Raby B, Glass, Hart, Hu, Askew, Eliassen A, Hankinson S, Kraft P, et al. Involvement of fine particulate matter exposure with gene expression pathways in breast tumor and adjacent-normal breast tissue.. Environ Res. 2020;186:109535.
Peng C, Heng Y, Lu D, DuPre N, Kensler K, Glass K, Zeleznik OA, Kraft P, Feldman D, Hankinson S, et al. Pre-diagnostic 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in relation to tumor molecular alterations and risk of breast cancer recurrence. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2020;29(6):1253–1263.
Heng Y, Hankinson S, Wang J, Alexandrov LB, Ambrosone C, Andrade V, Brufsky A, Couch F, King T, Modugno, et al. The association of modifiable breast cancer risk factors and somatic genomic alterations in breast tumors: The Cancer Genome Atlas Network. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2020;29(3):599–605.
Wetstein S, Onken A, Luffman C, Baker G, Pyle M, Kensler K, Liu Y, Bakker B, Vlutters R, Leeuwen M, et al. Deep learning assessment of breast terminal duct lobular unit involution: towards automated prediction of breast cancer risk. PLoS ONE. 2020;15(4):e0231653.
Eismann, Heng Y, Waldschmidt J, Vlachos I, Gray, Matulonis, Konstantinopoulos P, Murphy C, Nabavi, Wulf G. Transcriptome analysis reveals overlap in fusion genes in a phase I clinical cohort of TNBC and HGSOC patients treated with buparlisib and olaparib. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2020;146:503–514.
Zhou, Holzman, Heng Y, Kibshull, Lye S, Vazquez. EBF1 gene mRNA levels in maternal blood and spontaneous preterm birth. Reprod Sci. 2020;27(1):316–324.