

Molina R, Gombolay M, Jonas J, Modest A, Shah J, Golen T, Shah N. Association Between Labor and Delivery Unit Census and Delays in Patient Management: Findings From a Computer Simulation Module. Obstet Gynecol. 2018;131(3):545–552. doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000002482
OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the association between increases in labor and delivery unit census and delays in patient care decisions using a computer simulation module. METHODS: This was an observational cohort study of labor and delivery unit nurse managers. We developed a computer module that simulates the physical layout and clinical activity of the labor and delivery unit at our tertiary care academic medical center, in which players act as clinical managers in dynamically allocating nursing staff and beds as patients arrive, progress in labor, and undergo procedures. We exposed nurse managers to variation in patient census and measured the delays in resource decisions over the course of a simulated shift. We used mixed logistic and linear regression models to analyze the associations between patient census and delays in patient care. RESULTS: Thirteen nurse managers participated in the study and completed 17 12-hour shifts, or 204 simulated hours of decision-making. All participants reported the simulation module reflected their real-life experiences at least somewhat well. We observed 1.47-increased odds (95% CI 1.18-1.82) of recommending a patient ambulate in early labor for every additional patient on the labor and delivery unit. For every additional patient on the labor and delivery unit, there was a 15.9-minute delay between delivery and transfer to the postpartum unit (95% CI 2.4-29.3). For every additional patient in the waiting room, we observed a 33.3-minute delay in the time patients spent in the waiting room (95% CI 23.2-43.5) and a 14.3-minute delay in moving a patient in need of a cesarean delivery to the operating room (95% CI 2.8-25.8). CONCLUSION: Increasing labor and delivery unit census is associated with patient care delays in a computer simulation. Computer simulation is a feasible and valid method of demonstrating the sensitivity of care decisions to shifts in patient volume.