The Risk and Reward of Speaking Out for Racial Equity in Surgical Training

Al, Mark A. Fleming. et. 2021. “The Risk and Reward of Speaking Out for Racial Equity in Surgical Training”. Journal of Surgical Education, no. 5: 1387–1392.


In order to maintain productivity and career advance- ment, Black and Brown individuals often find themselves downplaying persistent elements of bias and racism experienced in predominantly white fields. These ele- ments are commonly reinforced by institutional and departmental policies that hinder the creation of an equi- table and inclusive environment for all. In this manu- script, we outline specific challenges faced by Black and Brown trainees and faculty that are perpetuated by such policies. The challenges are followed by specific recom- mendations for change as they may apply to faculty, staff and trainees. The outlined recommendations or “action items” may be enacted by any residency program or department based on perceived timeliness and should serve as a foundation for change—one that is intently created through a lens of anti-racism. The risk of speak- ing up for racial equity is outweighed by the potential rewards of building an environment that is diverse, inclu- sive and better for everyone. ( J Surg Ed 78:13871392. ! 2021 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)

Last updated on 06/26/2023