David M. Feinstein, MD

Assistant Professor of Anesthesia, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Director, Clinical Informatics and Simulation Training, Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine

Dr. Feinstein is board certified in both anesthesia and clinical informatics. He received his A.B. in Biochemistry from Harvard University, his M.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Tulane University and his M.D. from Dartmouth Medical School. He is a past president of the Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA) and remains actively involved in the society.

Dr. Feinstein is also active in the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) where he has been on the Equipment and Facilities (E&F) and Electronic Media and Information Technology (EMIT) committees as well as the Committee on Performance and Outcomes Measurement.

As Director of Information Technology in the department, Dr. Feinstein has been the anesthesia lead in successful the implementation, upgrades and expansion of the Philip’s CompuRecord Anesthesia Information Management (AIM) System. In addition he has overseen the development of the anesthesia department’s intranet site and its associated applications used for sharing educational, administrative, clinical and non-clinical information.

Dr. Feinstein has been a staff anesthesiologist at BIDMC for over twenty five years and has special interests in clinical informatics, simulation and safety training, airway management, standards development and technology assessment.

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