Larry Nathanson, MD

Director, Division of Emergency Medicine Informatics at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Dr. Larry Nathanson is a faculty member of the Division of Clinical Informatics and the Department of Emergency Medicine. His academic focus is to improve patient care and safety by developing and implementing innovative information technology (IT) solutions. This goal combines his clinical passion for caring for patients in the emergency department (ED) with his passion for healthcare IT. The ED is a complex and often chaotic clinical environment where incomplete access to information, frequent interruptions, and impediments to communication can hinder the best clinician. For 20 years, he has developed our “ED Dashboard” software that enhances emergency care by improving communication, patient safety, and provider efficiency without causing information overload. The program presents clinical data intuitively, serving as a focal point for clinical decision support and handoffs. When released in 2001, it was rapidly accepted and now plays a central role in the BIDMC Department’s quality improvement, patient satisfaction, education, and research endeavors. Dr. Nathason is continuously adding features inspired by clinical experiences and by actual QA issues. Dr. Nathanson is interested in using IT to mitigate the effects of disasters. He developed and published an algorithm that could aid in bioterrorism detection and was the site PI on an NIH grant that investigated using technology to speed the evacuation of disaster victims. Apart from his bedside teaching of medical students and residents, he also lectures on a regional, national, and international basis. He is a co-author of “ECG Wave-Maven,” a web-based interactive ECG tutorial used over 11,000 times per month from sites around the globe. This is a featured reference on the HMS and AAMC education portals. He mentors informatics fellows in emergency medicine to help ensure that the next generation of emergency physicians will be well-trained in informatics and fully understand the vital principles mentioned above. He is a recognized national authority on emergency informatics. The IOM, NIH, and AHRQ have invited him to present on EM technology issues. 


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