Leo A. G. Celi, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine, Part-time, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Clinical Research Director & Principal Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Leo Anthony Celi, MD, is a faculty member of the BIDMC Division of Clinical Informatics at MIT. He brings clinicians and data scientists together to support research using data routinely collected in the intensive care unit (ICU). His group built and maintained the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC) database and the Philips-MIT eICU Collaborative Research Database (eICU-CRD), with more than 25,000 users worldwide. Lacking open access to data spurs innovation and accelerates progress. The group makes MIMIC and eICU-CRD publicly available to anyone who completes a standard course on human subject research and signs a data use agreement. These data have allowed thousands of academic and industry projects to be published or presented at conferences. In addition, the data use agreement for both databases requires that the codes for the projects be publicly shared after publication. This has led to the rapid development of reusable concepts and their respective codes and queries in the repositories. The availability of these repositories accelerates research and promotes reproducibility by ensuring that common concepts are implemented consistently across studies. 

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