Roger Davis, Sc.D.

Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Principal Biostatistician, Division of General Medicine at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Dr. Roger Davis is a faculty member of the Division of Clinical Informatics and the Division of General Medicine. He is a biostatistician dedicated to improving the quality of biomedical research through collaboration, teaching, and mentorship. He has collaborated on a wide array of research in health services, integrative medical therapies, end-of-life care, geriatrics, cardiovascular medicine, and obesity. He is on the Division of Clinical Informatics faculty and provides biostatistical leadership for its clinical research activities. As Director of Biostatistics in the Division of General Medicine and Associate Director of the Harvard Catalyst Biostatistics Consulting Program, he provides biostatistical leadership to faculty, research fellows, and medical residents. He collaborates on clinical trials, health services research, clinical epidemiology, and quality improvement projects that cover a broad range of research topics. He provides mentorship on research methods to fellows in the Harvard-wide T32 fellowship programs in General Medicine and Integrative Medical Therapies. He has worked closely with junior faculty in our division as they design projects and develop analytic plans for career development grants. He continues to work with them as they conduct that research as part of their mentoring team. He has collaborated with Dr. Ted Kaptchuk as a senior biostatistician on innovative investigations to understand the nature of placebos. The challenge here has been translating his groundbreaking research hypotheses and creative insights in identifying unique study populations into optimal study designs with analytic plans to answer the research questions credibly. This work has produced truly novel clinical trial designs, and this research has broad implications for both clinical research and practice. 


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