Stan Finkelstein, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School & Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Stan N. Finkelstein, MD,  is a faculty member of the BIDMC Division of Clinical Informatics, Associate Professor of Medicine at HMS and a Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for Data, Systems and Society at MIT. He is the founding director of the MD/MBA joint degree program between HMS and Harvard Business School. Dr. Finkelstein co-directs academic courses in health care management at HMS, including core MD/MBA program requirements as well as a long-standing MIT/Harvard course on drug development. He is an advisor to students seeking careers at the interface of medicine and management. As a specialist in evaluating medical practice and technology, Dr. Finkelstein has worked actively at the business-government interface for medical technology, including clinical research, cost-effectiveness study design, and third-party reimbursement. Recent research interests have included analyses related to illness and pharmaceutical treatment economics. He is the author of numerous articles that address links between illness and treatment outcomes and the role of advancing science and technology in changing patterns of medical care. In a project led by Dr. Finkelstein and MIT professor, Dr. Roy Welsch, researchers are using statistics, machine learning, and simulated clinical drug trials to find and test already-approved drugs as potential therapeutics against Alzheimer’s Disease, cancer and other unmet medical needs.. Researchers are sifting through millions of electronic health records and medical claims for signals indicating that medications used to fight chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and gastric influx might also work against disorders without disease modifying therapeutics. 

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