Yuri Quintana, PhD

Chief, Division of Clincial Informatics

Yuri Quintana, Ph.D., is Chief of the Division of Clinical Informatics. His research focuses on the learning health system and communities of practice to improve the uptake of best practices by health professionals and patients. His research on learning health systems has focused on the best use of online platforms that support communities of practice to implement evidence-based clinical practices by health professionals. He leads the development of Alicanto, an online platform and mobile app that supports healthcare teams collaborating online to develop standardized clinical care pathways and train staff to implement those pathways. International groups have used Alicanto for cancer, diabetes, and maternal health. He leads research on methodologies to evaluate mobile apps to improve health behavior. In 2020, he led the development of an evidence-based framework for assessing the efficacy of mental health apps. This framework has been widely disseminated in Canada to health care organizations and policy leaders, including all Canadian members of the Parliament and Senators. He also researches patient-centered platforms for improving the care of patients at home by formal and informal caregivers. This research area is essential as the demographics of most countries shift to an older population. With funding from AHRQ, he led the development of the InfoSAGE (Information Sharing Across Generations) patient-centered family-focused care coordination online platform initially designed for frail elders over 75 and their family caregivers.


Contact Information

1330 Beacon Street, Suite 400, Brookline, MA, USA, 02466
p: 9015681964