Alec Schmaier, MD, PhD

Alec Schmaier, MD, PhD

Schmaier Lab Director, BIDMC

Alec Schmaier, MD, PhD

Schmaier Lab Director, BIDMC

Alec Schmaier, MD, PhD, is a member of the Section of Vascular Medicine and an Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Schmaier’s research focuses on the interplay of endothelial cell biology and thrombosis and how they predispose to cardiovascular disease. Specific projects include endothelial membrane alterations that promote coagulation on the vessel wall, regulation of the Tie2-angiopoietin pathway for therapeutic intervention in vascular disease, platelet-derived vascular mediators, and mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction and thrombosis in COVID-19.


Read More About Dr. Schmaier: 

Schmaier Lab Site

Schmaier Catalyst Profile