Publications by Author: Brian D Adams


Rupaimoole, Rajesha, Bohyung Yoon, Wen Cai Zhang, Brian D Adams, and Frank J Slack. (2020) 2020. “A High-Throughput Small Molecule Screen Identifies Ouabain As Synergistic With MiR-34a in Killing Lung Cancer Cells”. IScience 23 (2): 100878.

MicroRNA-34 (miR-34) is one of the major families of tumor suppressor miRNAs often lost in cancers. Delivery of miR-34a mimics to affected tumors as a therapeutic strategy has been tried in pre-clinical studies and in a phase I clinical trial. One approach to increase efficacy and reduce toxicity is to rationally identify drug combinations with small molecules that synergize with miR-34a. In this study we performed a high-throughput screen of a large panel of small molecules with known biological activity and identified ouabain as a candidate small molecule that synergized with miR-34a in killing lung cancer cells. We elucidated autophagy activation as a key mechanism by which miR-34a and ouabain causes increased cytotoxicity in cells. We posit that this combinatorial approach could reduce the active dose of miR-34a needed in vivo to observe tumor shrinkage and potentiate the development of miR-34a combination therapies in the future.


Jiao, Alan L, Roberto Perales, Neil T Umbreit, Jeffrey R Haswell, Mary E Piper, Brian D Adams, David Pellman, Scott Kennedy, and Frank J Slack. (2019) 2019. “Human Nuclear RNAi-Defective 2 (NRDE2) Is an Essential RNA Splicing Factor”. RNA (New York, N.Y.) 25 (3): 352-63.

The accurate inheritance of genetic material is a basic necessity in all domains of life and an unexpectedly large number of RNA processing factors are required for mitotic progression and genome stability. NRDE2 (nuclear RNAi defective-2) is an evolutionarily conserved protein originally discovered for its role in nuclear RNA interference (RNAi) and heritable gene silencing in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans). The function of the human NRDE2 gene remains poorly understood. Here we show that human NRDE2 is an essential protein required for suppressing intron retention in a subset of pre-mRNAs containing short, GC-rich introns with relatively weak 5' and 3' splice sites. NRDE2 preferentially interacts with components of the U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP), the exon junction complex, and the RNA exosome. Interestingly, NRDE2-depleted cells exhibit greatly increased levels of genomic instability and DNA damage, as well as defects in centrosome maturation and mitotic progression. We identify the essential centriolar satellite protein, CEP131, as a direct NRDE2-regulated target. NRDE2 specifically binds to and promotes the efficient splicing of CEP131 pre-mRNA, and depleting NRDE2 dramatically reduces CEP131 protein expression, contributing to impaired recruitment of critical centrosomal proteins (e.g., γ-tubulin and Aurora Kinase A) to the spindle poles during mitosis. Our work establishes a conserved role for human NRDE2 in RNA splicing, characterizes the severe genomic instability phenotypes observed upon loss of NRDE2, and highlights the direct regulation of CEP131 splicing as one of multiple mechanisms through which such phenotypes might be explained.


Adams, Brian D, Christine Parsons, Lisa Walker, Wen Cai Zhang, and Frank J Slack. (2017) 2017. “Targeting Noncoding RNAs in Disease”. The Journal of Clinical Investigation 127 (3): 761-71.

Many RNA species have been identified as important players in the development of chronic diseases, including cancer. Over the past decade, numerous studies have highlighted how regulatory RNAs such as microRNAs (miRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) play crucial roles in the development of a disease state. It is clear that the aberrant expression of miRNAs promotes tumor initiation and progression, is linked with cardiac dysfunction, allows for the improper physiological response in maintaining glucose and insulin levels, and can prevent the appropriate integration of neuronal networks, resulting in neurodegenerative disorders. Because of this, there has been a major effort to therapeutically target these noncoding RNAs. In just the past 5 years, over 100 antisense oligonucleotide-based therapies have been tested in phase I clinical trials, a quarter of which have reached phase II/III. Most notable are fomivirsen and mipomersen, which have received FDA approval to treat cytomegalovirus retinitis and high blood cholesterol, respectively. The continued improvement of innovative RNA modifications and delivery entities, such as nanoparticles, will aid in the development of future RNA-based therapeutics for a broader range of chronic diseases. Here we summarize the latest promises and challenges of targeting noncoding RNAs in disease.

Adams, Brian D, Christine Parsons, and Frank J Slack. (2016) 2016. “The Tumor-Suppressive and Potential Therapeutic Functions of MiR-34a in Epithelial Carcinomas”. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 20 (6): 737-53.

INTRODUCTION: Many RNA species have been identified as important players in the development of chronic diseases including cancer. Certain classes of regulatory RNAs such as microRNAs (miRNAs) have been investigated in such detail that bona fide tumor suppressive and oncogenic miRNAs have been identified. Because of this, there has been a major effort to therapeutically target these small RNAs. One in particular, a liposomal formulation of miR-34a (MRX34), has entered Phase I trials.

AREAS COVERED: This review aims to summarize miRNA biology, its regulation within normal versus disease states and how it can be targeted therapeutically, with a particular emphasis on miR-34a. Understanding the complexity of a single miRNA will aid in the development of future RNA-based therapeutics for a broader range of chronic diseases.

EXPERT OPINION: The potential of miRNAs to be developed into anti-cancer therapeutics has become an increasingly important area of research. miR-34a is a tumor suppressive miRNA across many tumor types through its ability to inhibit cellular proliferation, invasion and tumor sphere formation. miR-34a also shows promise within certain in vivo solid tumor models. Finally, as miR-34a moves into clinical trials it will be important to determine if it can further sensitize tumors to certain chemotherapeutic agents.

Adams, Brian D, Vikram B Wali, Christopher J Cheng, Sachi Inukai, Carmen J Booth, Seema Agarwal, David L Rimm, et al. (2016) 2016. “MiR-34a Silences C-SRC to Attenuate Tumor Growth in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer”. Cancer Research 76 (4): 927-39.

Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive subtype with no clinically proven biologically targeted treatment options. The molecular heterogeneity of TNBC and lack of high frequency driver mutations other than TP53 have hindered the development of new and effective therapies that significantly improve patient outcomes. miRNAs, global regulators of survival and proliferation pathways important in tumor development and maintenance, are becoming promising therapeutic agents. We performed miRNA-profiling studies in different TNBC subtypes to identify miRNAs that significantly contribute to disease progression. We found that miR-34a was lost in TNBC, specifically within mesenchymal and mesenchymal stem cell-like subtypes, whereas expression of miR-34a targets was significantly enriched. Furthermore, restoration of miR-34a in cell lines representing these subtypes inhibited proliferation and invasion, activated senescence, and promoted sensitivity to dasatinib by targeting the proto-oncogene c-SRC. Notably, SRC depletion in TNBC cell lines phenocopied the effects of miR-34a reintroduction, whereas SRC overexpression rescued the antitumorigenic properties mediated by miR-34a. miR-34a levels also increased when cells were treated with c-SRC inhibitors, suggesting a negative feedback exists between miR-34a and c-SRC. Moreover, miR-34a administration significantly delayed tumor growth of subcutaneously and orthotopically implanted tumors in nude mice, and was accompanied by c-SRC downregulation. Finally, we found that miR-34a and SRC levels were inversely correlated in human tumor specimens. Together, our results demonstrate that miR-34a exerts potent antitumorigenic effects in vitro and in vivo and suggests that miR-34a replacement therapy, which is currently being tested in human clinical trials, represents a promising therapeutic strategy for TNBC.

Adams, Brian D, Eleni Anastasiadou, Manel Esteller, Lin He, and Frank J Slack. (2015) 2015. “The Inescapable Influence of Noncoding RNAs in Cancer”. Cancer Research 75 (24): 5206-10.

This report summarizes information presented at the 2015 Keystone Symposium on "MicroRNAs and Noncoding RNAs in Cancer." Nearly two decades after the discovery of the first miRNA, the role of noncoding RNAs in developmental processes and the mechanisms behind their dysregulation in cancer has been steadily elucidated. Excitingly, miRNAs have begun making their way into the clinic to combat diseases such as hepatitis C and various forms of cancer. Therefore, at this Keystone meeting, novel findings were presented that enhance our view on how small and long noncoding RNAs control developmental timing and oncogenic processes. Recurring themes included (i) how miRNAs can be differentially processed, degraded, and regulated by ribonucleoprotein complexes, (ii) how particular miRNA genetic networks that control developmental process, when disrupted, can result in cancer disease, (iii) the technologies available to therapeutically deliver RNA to combat diseases such as cancer, and (iv) the elucidation of the mechanism of actions for long noncoding RNAs, currently a poorly understood class of noncoding RNA. During the meeting, there was an emphasis on presenting unpublished findings, and the breadth of topics covered reflected how inescapable the influence of noncoding RNAs is in development and cancer.

Adams, Brian D, Andrea L Kasinski, and Frank J Slack. (2014) 2014. “Aberrant Regulation and Function of MicroRNAs in Cancer”. Current Biology : CB 24 (16): R762-76.

Malignant neoplasms are consistently among the top four leading causes of death in all age groups in the United States, despite a concerted effort toward developing novel therapeutic approaches. Our understanding of and therapeutic strategy for treating each of these neoplastic diseases have been improved through decades of research on the genetics, signaling pathways, and cellular biology that govern tumor cell initiation, progression and maintenance. Much of this work has concentrated on post-translational modifications and abnormalities at the DNA level, including point mutations, amplifications/deletions, and chromosomal translocations, and how these aberrant events affect the expression and function of protein-coding genes. Only recently has a novel class of conserved gene regulatory molecules been identified as a major contributor to malignant neoplastic disease. This review focuses on how these small non-coding RNA molecules, termed microRNAs (miRNAs), can function as oncogenes or tumor suppressors, and how the misexpression of miRNAs and dysregulation of factors that regulate miRNAs contribute to the tumorigenic process. Specific focus is given to more recently discovered regulatory mechanisms that go awry in cancer, and how these changes alter miRNA expression, processing, and function.