Publications by Year: 2009


Nimmo, Rachael A, and Frank J Slack. (2009) 2009. “An Elegant MiRror: MicroRNAs in Stem Cells, Developmental Timing and Cancer”. Chromosoma 118 (4): 405-18.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) were first discovered in genetic screens for regulators of developmental timing in the stem-cell-like seam cell lineage in Caenorhabditis elegans. As members of the heterochronic pathway, the lin-4 and let-7 miRNAs are required in the seam cells for the correct progression of stage-specific events and to ensure that cell cycle exit and terminal differentiation occur at the correct time. Other heterochronic genes such as lin-28 and lin-41 are direct targets of the lin-4 and let-7 miRNAs. Recent findings on the functions of the let-7 and lin-4/mir-125 miRNA families and lin-28 and lin-41 orthologs from a variety of organisms suggest that core elements of the heterochronic pathway are retained in mammalian stem cells and development. In particular, these genes appear to form bistable switches via double-negative feedback loops in both nematode and mammalian stem cell development, the functional relevance of which is finally becoming clear. let-7 inhibits stem cell self-renewal in both normal and cancer stem cells of the breast and acts as a tumor suppressor in lung and breast cancer. let-7 also promotes terminal differentiation at the larval to adult transition in both nematode stem cells and fly wing imaginal discs and inhibits proliferation of human lung and liver cancer cells. Conversely, LIN-28 is a highly specific embryonic stem cell marker and is one of four "stemness" factors used to reprogram adult fibroblasts into induced pluripotent stem cells; furthermore, lin-28 is oncogenic in hepatocellular carcinomas. Therefore, a core module of heterochronic genes–lin-28, lin-41, let-7, and lin-4/mir-125-acts as an ancient regulatory switch for differentiation in stem cells (and in some cancers), illustrating that nematode seam cells mirror miRNA regulatory networks in mammalian stem cells during both normal development and cancer.

Medina, Pedro P, and Frank J Slack. (2009) 2009. “Inhibiting MicroRNA Function in Vivo”. Nature Methods 6 (1): 37-8.
Turner, Michael J, and Frank J Slack. (2009) 2009. “Transcriptional Control of MicroRNA Expression in C. Elegans: Promoting Better Understanding”. RNA Biology 6 (1): 49-53.

Transcriptional regulation of microRNA (miRNA) expression is one of the least understood aspects of miRNA biogenesis. In C. elegans the list of miRNAs whose transcriptional control has been described in some detail is currently limited to four: let-7, lin-4, lsy-6, and mir-61. Each of these genes has been shown experimentally to be transcriptionaly regulated by cis- and/or trans-acting factors that either promote or inhibit expression. Additionally, computational methods based on conservation among miRNA genes have yielded predicted regulatory sequences in C. elegans that may function to regulate miRNA expression on a genome-wide scale.

Roush, Sarah F, and Frank J Slack. (2009) 2009. “Transcription of the C. Elegans Let-7 MicroRNA Is Temporally Regulated by One of Its Targets, Hbl-1”. Developmental Biology 334 (2): 523-34.

The let-7 family of microRNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of developmental timing and cell differentiation and are often misexpressed in human cancer. In C. elegans, let-7 controls cell fate transitions from larval stage 4 (L4) to adulthood by post-transcriptionally down-regulating lineage-abnormal 41 (lin-41) and hunchback-like 1 (hbl-1). Primary let-7 (pri-let-7) transcripts are up-regulated in the L3, yet little is known about what controls this transcriptional up-regulation. We sought factors that either turn on let-7 transcription or keep it repressed until the correct time. Here we report that one of let-7's targets, the transcription factor Hunchback-like 1 (HBL-1), is responsible for inhibiting the transcription of let-7 in specific tissues until the L3. hbl-1 is a known developmental timing regulator and inhibits adult development in larval stages. Therefore, one important function of HBL-1 in maintaining larval stage fates is inhibition of let-7. Indeed, our results reveal let-7 as the first known target of the HBL-1 transcription factor in C. elegans and suggest a negative feedback loop mechanism for let-7 and HBL-1 regulation.

Chan, Shih-Peng, and Frank J Slack. (2009) 2009. “Ribosomal Protein RPS-14 Modulates Let-7 MicroRNA Function in Caenorhabditis Elegans”. Developmental Biology 334 (1): 152-60.

The let-7 microRNA (miRNA) regulates developmental timing at the larval-to-adult transition in Caenorhabditis elegans. Dysregulation of let-7 results in irregular hypodermal and vulval development. Disrupted let-7 function is also a feature of human lung cancer. However, little is known about the mechanism and co-factors of let-7. Here we demonstrate that ribosomal protein RPS-14 is able to modulate let-7 function in C. elegans. The RPS-14 protein co-immunoprecipitated with the nematode Argonaute homolog, ALG-1. Reduction of rps-14 gene expression by RNAi suppressed the aberrant vulva and hypodermis development phenotypes of let-7(n2853) mutant animals and the mis-regulation of a reporter bearing the lin-41 3'UTR, a well established let-7 target. Our results indicate an interactive relationship between let-7 miRNA function and ribosomal protein RPS-14 in regulation of terminal differentiation that may help in understanding the mechanism of translational control by miRNAs.

Kato, Masaomi, Alexandre de Lencastre, Zachary Pincus, and Frank J Slack. (2009) 2009. “Dynamic Expression of Small Non-Coding RNAs, Including Novel MicroRNAs and PiRNAs/21U-RNAs, During Caenorhabditis Elegans Development”. Genome Biology 10 (5): R54.

BACKGROUND: Small non-coding RNAs, including microRNAs (miRNAs), serve an important role in controlling gene expression during development and disease. However, little detailed information exists concerning the relative expression patterns of small RNAs during development of animals such as Caenorhabditis elegans.

RESULTS: We performed a deep analysis of small RNA expression in C. elegans using recent advances in sequencing technology, and found that a significant number of known miRNAs showed major changes in expression during development and between males and hermaphrodites. Additionally, we identified 66 novel miRNA candidates, about 35% of which showed transcripts from their 'star sequence', suggesting that they are bona fide miRNAs. Also, hundreds of novel Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs)/21U-RNAs with dynamic expression during development, together with many longer transcripts encompassing 21U-RNA sequences, were detected in our libraries.

CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis reveals extensive regulation of non-coding small RNAs during development of hermaphrodites and between different genders of C. elegans, and suggests that these RNAs, including novel miRNA candidates, are involved in developmental processes. These findings should lead to a better understanding of the biological roles of small RNAs in C. elegans development.

Niwa, Ryusuke, Kazumasa Hada, Kouichi Moliyama, Ryosuke L Ohniwa, Yi-Meng Tan, Katherine Olsson-Carter, Woo Chi, Valerie Reinke, and Frank J Slack. (2009) 2009. “C. Elegans Sym-1 Is a Downstream Target of the Hunchback-Like-1 Developmental Timing Transcription Factor”. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) 8 (24): 4147-54.

In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the let-7 microRNA (miRNA) and its family members control the timing of key developmental events in part by directly regulating expression of hunchback-like-1 (hbl-1). C. elegans hbl-1 mutants display multiple developmental timing deficiencies, including cell cycle defects during larval development. While hbl-1 is predicted to encode a transcriptional regulator, downstream targets of HBL-1 have not been fully elucidated. Here we report using microarray analysis to uncover genes downstream of HBL-1. We established a transgenic strain that overexpresses hbl-1 under the control of a heat shock promoter. Heat shock-induced hbl-1 overexpression led to retarded hypodermal structures at the adult stage, opposite to the effect seen in loss of function (lf) hbl-1 mutants. The microarray screen identified numerous potential genes that are upregulated or downregulated by HBL-1, including sym-1, which encodes a leucine-rich repeat protein with a signal sequence. We found an increase in sym-1 transcription in the heat shock-induced hbl-1 overexpression strain, while loss of hbl-1 function caused a decrease in sym-1 expression levels. Furthermore, we found that sym-1(lf) modified the hypodermal abnormalities in hbl-1 mutants. Given that SYM-1 is a protein secreted from hypodermal cells to the surrounding cuticle, we propose that the adult-specific cuticular structures may be under the temporal control of HBL-1 through regulation of sym-1 transcription.