

Chan, Shih-Peng, Gopalakrishna Ramaswamy, Eun-Young Choi, and Frank J Slack. (2008) 2008. “Identification of Specific Let-7 MicroRNA Binding Complexes in Caenorhabditis Elegans”. RNA (New York, N.Y.) 14 (10): 2104-14.

Little is known about the protein complexes required for microRNA formation and function. Here we used native gel electrophoresis to identify miRNA ribonucleoprotein complexes (miRNPs) in Caenorhabditis elegans. Our data reveal multiple distinct miRNPs that assemble on the let-7 miRNA in vitro. The formation of these complexes is affected but not abolished by alg-1 or alg-2 null mutations. The largest complex (M*) with an estimated molecular mass of >669 kDa cofractionates with the known RISC factors ALG-1, VIG-1, and TSN-1. The M* complex and two complexes, M3 and M4, with similar molecular weights of approximately 500 kDa, also assemble on all other miRNAs used in our experiments. Two smaller complexes, M1 (approximately 160 kDa) and M2 (approximately 250 kDa), assemble on the members of the let-7 miRNAs family but not lin-4 or mir-234, and their formation is highly dependent on specific sequences in the 5' seed region of let-7. Moreover, an unidentified protein, p40, which only appears in the M1 and M2 complexes, was detected by UV triggered cross-linking to let-7 but not to lin-4. The cross-linking of p40 to let-7 is also dependent on the let-7 sequence. Another unidentified protein, p13, is detected in all let-7 binding complexes and lin-4 cross-linked products. Our data suggest that besides being present in certain large miRNPs with sizes similar to reported RISC, the let-7 miRNA also assembles with specific binding proteins and forms distinct small complexes.

Büssing, Ingo, Frank J Slack, and Helge Grosshans. (2008) 2008. “Let-7 MicroRNAs in Development, Stem Cells and Cancer”. Trends in Molecular Medicine 14 (9): 400-9.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs, approximately 22 nucleotides in length, that repress target messenger RNAs (mRNAs) through an antisense mechanism. The let-7 miRNA was originally discovered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, where it regulates cell proliferation and differentiation, but subsequent work has shown that both its sequence and its function are highly conserved in mammals. Recent results have now linked decreased let-7 expression to increased tumorigenicity and poor patient prognosis. Moreover, during normal development, accumulation of let-7 can be prevented by LIN28, a promoter of pluripotency. Based on these findings, we propose that let-7 regulates 'stemness' by repressing self-renewal and promoting differentiation in both normal development and cancer. A more complete understanding of its function will thus provide insights into these processes and might yield diagnostic and therapeutic advances for cancer treatment.

Babar, Imran A, Frank J Slack, and Joanne B Weidhaas. (2008) 2008. “MiRNA Modulation of the Cellular Stress Response”. Future Oncology (London, England) 4 (2): 289-98.

Cellular stress responses are potent and dynamic, allowing cells to effectively counteract diverse stresses. These pathways are crucial not only for maintaining normal cellular homeostasis, but also for protecting cells from what would otherwise lead to their demise. A novel class of genes, termed miRNAs, has recently been implicated in the cellular stress response. For example, it has been demonstrated that a cardiac-specific miRNA that is not required for normal development is requisite for a normal cardiac stress response in mice. In addition, we have found that a miRNA family is able to modulate the cellular response to cytotoxic cancer treatment both in vitro and in vivo. In this review, we will discuss these and other important developments in the field. In particular, we will focus on studies that have linked miRNAs to the genotoxic stress response and will suggest how this connection may be both important for our understanding of biology and pertinent for the development of novel cancer therapies.

Ding, Xavier C, Frank J Slack, and Helge Grosshans. (2008) 2008. “The Let-7 MicroRNA Interfaces Extensively With the Translation Machinery to Regulate Cell Differentiation”. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) 7 (19): 3083-90.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are noncoding RNAs that regulate numerous target genes through a posttranscriptional mechanism and thus control major developmental pathways. The phylogenetically conserved let-7 miRNA regulates cell proliferation and differentiation, thus functioning as a key regulator of developmental timing in C. elegans and a tumor suppressor gene in humans. Using a reverse genetic screen, we have identified genetic interaction partners of C. elegans let-7, including known and novel potential target genes. Initial identification of several translation initiation factors as suppressors of a let-7 mutation led us to systematically examine genetic interaction between let-7 and the translational machinery, which we found to be widespread. In the presence of wild-type let-7, depletion of the translation initiation factor eIF3 resulted in precocious cell differentiation, suggesting that developmental timing is translationally regulated, possibly by let-7. As overexpression of eIF3 in humans promotes translation of mRNAs that are also targets of let-7-mediated repression, we suggest that eIF3 may directly or indirectly oppose let-7 activity. This might provide an explanation for the opposite functions of let-7 and eIF3 in regulating tumorigenesis.

Roush, Sarah, and Frank J Slack. (2008) 2008. “The Let-7 Family of MicroRNAs”. Trends in Cell Biology 18 (10): 505-16.

The first two known microRNAs (miRNAs), lin-4 and let-7, were originally discovered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and control the timing of stem-cell division and differentiation. let-7 was subsequently found as the first known human miRNA. let-7 and its family members are highly conserved across species in sequence and function, and misregulation of let-7 leads to a less differentiated cellular state and the development of cell-based diseases such as cancer. Although much research has been devoted to let-7 target prediction and to understanding its biological role, research into what regulates let-7 has only just begun. Here, we review let-7-family conservation and the recent advances in understanding how let-7-expression is regulated at the transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels across species. A greater understanding of what controls let-7 expression might enable the development of treatments to fight or prevent many cancers.

Medina, Pedro P, and Frank J Slack. (2008) 2008. “MicroRNAs and Cancer: An Overview”. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) 7 (16): 2485-92.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a recently discovered class of small RNA molecules that negatively regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. MiRNAs play key roles in development and establishment of cell identity and aberrant metabolism/expression of miRNAs has been linked to human diseases including cancer. Components of the miRNA machinery and miRNAs themselves are involved in many cellular processes that are altered in cancer, such as differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis. Some miRNAs exhibit differential expression levels in cancer and have demonstrated capability to affect cellular transformation, carcinogenesis and metastasis acting either as oncogenes or tumour suppressors. We are only beginning to comprehend the functional repercussions of the gain or loss of particular microRNAs on cancer. Nonetheless, although microRNAs have been discovered in humans a mere eight years ago, a host of promising potential applications in the diagnosis, prognoses and therapy of cancer are emerging at a rapid pace.

Chin, Lena J, and Frank J Slack. (2008) 2008. “A Truth Serum for Cancer–microRNAs Have Major Potential As Cancer Biomarkers”. Cell Research 18 (10): 983-4.
Pincus, Zachary, and Frank J Slack. (2008) 2008. “Transcriptional (dys)regulation and Aging in Caenorhabditis Elegans”. Genome Biology 9 (9): 233.

A circuit of transcription factors has been discovered in Caenorhabditis elegans that could provide a link between laboratory-defined intracellular 'longevity pathways', gene dysregulation and the process of normal aging.

Chin, Lena J, Elena Ratner, Shuguang Leng, Rihong Zhai, Sunitha Nallur, Imran Babar, Roman-Ulrich Muller, et al. (2008) 2008. “A SNP in a Let-7 MicroRNA Complementary Site in the KRAS 3’ Untranslated Region Increases Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Risk”. Cancer Research 68 (20): 8535-40.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, yet few genetic markers of lung cancer risk useful for screening exist. The let-7 family-of-microRNAs (miRNA) are global genetic regulators important in controlling lung cancer oncogene expression by binding to the 3' untranslated regions of their target mRNAs. The purpose of this study was to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) that could modify let-7 binding and to assess the effect of such SNPs on target gene regulation and risk for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). let-7 complementary sites (LCS) were sequenced in the KRAS 3' untranslated region from 74 NSCLC cases to identify mutations and SNPs that correlated with NSCLC. The allele frequency of a previously unidentified SNP at LCS6 was characterized in 2,433 people (representing 46 human populations). The frequency of the variant allele is 18.1% to 20.3% in NSCLC patients and 5.8% in world populations. The association between the SNP and the risk for NSCLC was defined in two independent case-control studies. A case-control study of lung cancer from New Mexico showed a 2.3-fold increased risk (confidence interval, 1.1-4.6; P = 0.02) for NSCLC cancer in patients who smoked <40 pack-years. This association was validated in a second independent case-control study. Functionally, the variant allele results in KRAS overexpression in vitro. The LCS6 variant allele in a KRAS miRANA complementary site is significantly associated with increased risk for NSCLC among moderate smokers and represents a new paradigm for let-7 miRNAs in lung cancer susceptibility.

Schulman, Betsy R Maller, Xianping Liang, Carlos Stahlhut, Casey DelConte, Giovanni Stefani, and Frank J Slack. (2008) 2008. “The Let-7 MicroRNA Target Gene, Mlin41/Trim71 Is Required for Mouse Embryonic Survival and Neural Tube Closure”. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) 7 (24): 3935-42.

In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, the let-7 microRNA (miRNA) controls the timing of key developmental events and terminal differentiation in part by directly regulating lin-41. C. elegans lin-41 mutants display precocious cell cycle exit and terminal differentiation of epidermal skin cells. lin-41 orthologues are found in more complex organisms including both mice and humans, but their roles are not known. We generated Mlin41 mouse mutants to ascertain a functional role for Mlin41. Strong loss of function Mlin41 gene-trap mutants demonstrated a striking neural tube closure defect during development, and embryonic lethality. Like C. elegans lin-41, Mlin41 also appears to be regulated by the let-7 and mir-125 miRNAs. Since Mlin41 is required for neural tube closure and survival it points to human lin-41 (HLIN41/TRIM71) as a potential human development and disease gene.