Message from the Director of Motility Lab: Dr. Vikram Rangan

The GI Motility Lab is a state-of-the-art testing center performing diagnostic studies for patients with GI motility disorders. Studies include: high-resolution esophageal manometry (to assess the muscles of the esophagus, which can malfunction in some patients and cause difficulty swallowing), high-resolution anorectal manometry (to assess for abnormalities in pelvic floor muscles, common in patients with constipation), breathalyzer tests (to assess for several malabsorptive conditions or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), and tests for acid reflux.

The studies performed at our motility lab are not often performed outside of large referral centers, and we subsequently receive many referrals from outside hospitals and GI practices. Not all patients require these studies, but for many GI motility patients, the testing offered by our motility lab gives doctors a clearer understanding of what drives their symptoms, and which specific treatments are likely to be of help.

Despite our large volume, we ensure that each patient receives the attention and care needed to better understand their condition. Our motility lab is staffed by multiple nurses with years of experience and expertise in performing these various tests, and overseen by our team of GI motility physicians.