Completed Studies

Pain sensitization and habituation in a model of experimentally-induced insomnia symptoms

The goal of this project is to investigate two processes underlying increased pain vulnerability in the course of repeated exposure to insomnia: (1) Sensitization of the nociceptive system due to a progressive increase of the inflammatory response and (2) Decreased habituation to pain due to a progressive deterioration of the pain-inhibitory response. These two processes will be investigated in a novel model of repeated exposure to experimentally-induced insomnia symptoms. This research is fundamental for the future development of novel strategies targeting specific mechanisms to prevent or reduce pain exacerbated by insomnia.

NIH/NINDS R01 NS091177 [PI Monika Haack] 04/01/2015-03/31/2019


Challenging the inflammatory response system: Are individuals with insomnia more reactive?

This project addresses two important concepts that have not been addressed in insomnia: (1)Response reactivity to a stressful challenge and (2) The ability to habituate to repeated exposure of such challenge. These two concepts may serve as critical indicators of disease risk in the long term. To investigate how reactivity and the habituation differs between insomnia sufferers and healthy controls, the inflammatory, autonomic, and HPA response magnitude after repeated exposure to a stressful challenge, i.e., the cold pressor test.
Merck (investigator-initiated) MISP# 51971 {PI Monika Haack] 03/01/2015-02/28/2017

Repeating patterns of sleep restriction and recovery – do we get used to it?

The goal of this study is to test the hypothesis that repeated exposure to cycles of insufficient sleep increases susceptibility to a variety of disease states by progressively compromising the integrity of stress response systems. We will test whether the hypothalamic-pituitary, sympatho-adrenal, and inflammatory stress response sensitize across repeated cycles of sleep restriction.
NIH/NHLBI R01 HL105544 [PI Monika Haack] 06/01/2011 – 04/31/2016

The repeated challenge of insufficient sleep: effects on endothelial function

This project investigated the effects of repeated cycles of short sleep duration on vascular functioning and levels of inflammatory and adhesion molecules in peripheral circulation in healthy participants in order to determine if sleep is essential for homeostasis of multiple host defense mechanisms and if, when sleep is repeatedly insufficient, these systems begin to fail.
NIH/NHLBI R01 HL106782 [PI: Janet Mullington] 10/01/2010 – 08/31/2016

Preventing the inflammatory response to experimentally-induced insomnia symptoms

The primary goal of this project is to gather preliminary support for the hypothesis that disrupted sleep leads to pain amplification through an inflammatory mechanism while the secondary goal is to investigate the potential mechanisms contributing to blood pressure reduction in response to aspirin taken at bedtime. Autonomic and renal regulation of blood pressure, as well as nitric oxide levels, will be monitored during sleep and sleep disruption after 2 weeks of pharmacological intervention (low-dose aspirin or placebo taken in the morning or at bedtime).
Departmental Grant Program, Department of Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center [PI Monika Haack, Co-PI Huan Yang] 03/01/2014-02/28/2016

Does sleep maintenance insomnia lead to stronger activation of stress response systems than sleep onset insomnia?

This project gathered preliminary data to test the hypothesis that sleep maintenance insomnia is associated with a stronger activation of stress response systems compared to sleep onset insomnia.
Sleep Research Society Foundation [PI: Monika Haack] 10/01/2010 - 09/30/2012

Aging and the inflammatory, metabolic and autonomic response to sleep loss.

This project involved a testing of wake maintenance systems using a 64 hour vigil to challenge the inflammatory (measured in blood), metabolic (hormonal and glucose tolerance testing) and autonomic systems (catecholamine and blood pressure) to investigate whether the inflammatory response to sleep loss would increase with aging, particularly in the healthy elderly who were mildly to moderately overweight.
NIH/NIA AG28324-01 [PI: Janet M. Mullington] 8/1/2006 - 7/31/2010

Pain perception and skill learning in primary insomnia and normal sleepers

This study investigated whether patients with insomnia have (1) increased pain perception and (2) skill learning impairments compared to healthy controls.

Sepracor Inc. [PI: Janet M. Mullington] 6/1/2008 - 5/31/2010

Restoring sleep homeostasis to lower BP: a behavioral prevention and treatment approach

This project tested whether restoring sleep homeostasis, i.e. getting adequate amounts of sleep, would be an effective behavioral treatment in lowering blood pressure in patients with prehypertension and hypertension.
American Heart Association (AHA) 0530278N Scientist Development Grant
[PI: Monika Haack] 7/1/2005 - 6/30/2010