Tesch ME, Zheng Y, Guzman-Arocho YD, Collins LC, Heng YJ, Tayob N, Rosenberg SM, Ruddy KJ, Tamimi RM, Schapira L, et al. Association of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes with clinicopathologic characteristics and prognosis in young women with hormone receptor-positive/human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative breast cancer. N/A. Submitted Submitted.
Publications by Year: Submitted
Tamimi RM, Cook NR, Giulianini F, Peng C, Heng YJ, Bret-Mounet VC, Quintana LM, Buring JE, Manson JE, Fowler E, et al. Changes in mammographic features and breast tissue gene expression associated with high-dose vitamin D supplementation. N/A. Submitted Submitted.
Oh H, Heng YJ, Baker GM, Sardella BR, Mahoney MR, Murthy D, Rosner B, Tamimi RM, Yaghjyan L. Associations of adiposity and growth measures with the expression of stem cell markers among women with benign breast biopsies in the Nurses’ Health Study II. N/A. Submitted Submitted.
Peng C, Liu Y, Heng YJ, Bodelon C, Stover D, Chen WY, Holmes MD, Eliassen AH, Kraft P, Tamimi RM. The impact of reproductive factors on tumor and normal-adjacent tissue immune profile from menarche to menopause. N/A. Submitted Submitted.
Yaghjyan L, Heng YJ, Sardella B, Murty D, Mahoney M, Rosner B, Tamimi R. Associations of circulating insulin growth factor-1 and insulin growth factor binding protein-3 with the expression of stem cell markers in benign breast tissue. N/A. Submitted Submitted.
Yaghjyan L, Tamimi R, Baker G, Heng Y. Associations of stem cell markers with lobular involution in benign breast tissue.. N/A. Submitted Submitted.
Peng C, Wang T, Holmes M, Chen W, Brantley K, Le P, Heng Y, Schedin P, Rosner B, Willett W, et al. Regular aspirin use, breast tumor characteristics and long-term breast cancer survival.. Submitted.