Latin American e-Health Programs and WHO/PAHO Planning Toolkit

Washington, DC

An international panel of experts at the Annual Conference of the American Medical Informatics Association will provide an overview major initiatives in Latin America, provide an overview of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) national e-health strategic planning toolkit, challenges in implementation of e-health systems, overview of the PAHO e-health strategy for the Americas, and provide approaches for implementing programs using cooperative models.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Identify challenges for the development of e-health in the Latin American region
  2. Describe the priority areas for e-health development and informatics training
  3. Discuss challenges in deployment and support of informatics systems in clinical and public health sectors


Yuri Quintana (Session Chair), Harvard Medical School
David Novillo-Ortiz (Presenter) Pan American Health Organization
Marcelo Lopetegui (Presenter) Clínica Alemana, Santiago, Chile
Mario Ruiz Cubillo (Presenter), Hospital San Vicente de Paul de Heredia, Costa Rica
Heimar Marin (Presenter), Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil
Paula Otero (Presenter), Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina