Thompson, Bradford B, Linda C Wendell, Stevenson Potter, Corey Fehnel, Janet Wilterdink, Brian Silver, and Karen Furie. 2014. “The Use of Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound in Confirming Brain Death in the Setting of Skull Defects and Extraventricular Drains.”. Neurocritical Care 21 (3): 534-8.
BACKGROUND: Transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) has been used as a confirmatory test for the diagnosis of brain death (BD), but may be inaccurate in patients with a skull defect or extraventricular drain (EVD).
METHODS AND RESULTS: We report three cases of patients with a skull defect or EVD in whom TCD supported a diagnosis of BD but in which the clinical examination later refuted the diagnosis.
CONCLUSION: We caution against the use of TCD to confirm the diagnosis of BD in the presence of a skull defect or EVD.