
Current Lab Members

Past Lab Members


  • Dr Zara Cooper headshot
    Michele and Howard J. Kessler Distinguished Chair of Surgery and Public Health
    Kessler Director, Center for Surgery and Public Health
    Director, Center for Geriatric Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School

    Zara Cooper, MD, MSC, FACS

  • A picture of Dr Susan Mitchell
    Senior Scientist, Hebrew SeniorLife Marcus Institute for Aging Research
    Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

    Susan Mitchell, MD, MPH

  • A photo of Dr Richard Scwartzstein
    Ellen and Melvin Gordon Professor of Medicine and Medical Education, Harvard Medical School
    Chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at BIDMC

    Richard Schwartzstein, MD

  • A picture of Dr Tom Travison
    Senior Scientist, Hebrew SeniorLife Marcus Institute for Aging Research
    Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

    Thomas Travison, PhD

  • A picture of Dr Douglas White
    Vice Chair of Faculty Development
    Professor of Critical Care Medicine, Medicine, and Clinical and Translational Science
    Director, Program on Ethics and Decision Making in Critical Illness

    Dr. Douglas White, MD, MAS