Publications by Year: 2003


Johnson, Steven M, Shin Yi Lin, and Frank J Slack. (2003) 2003. “The Time of Appearance of the C. Elegans Let-7 MicroRNA Is Transcriptionally Controlled Utilizing a Temporal Regulatory Element in Its Promoter”. Developmental Biology 259 (2): 364-79.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a large family of small regulatory RNAs that are poorly understood. The let-7 miRNA regulates the timing of the developmental switch from larval to adult cell fates during Caenorhabditis elegans development. Expression of let-7 RNA is temporally regulated, with robust expression in the fourth larval and adult stages. Here, we show that, like let-7 RNA, a transcriptional fusion of the let-7 promoter to gfp is temporally regulated, indicating that let-7 is transcriptionally controlled. Temporal upregulation of let-7 transcription requires an enhancer element, the temporal regulatory element (TRE), situated about 1200 base pairs upstream of the start of the mature let-7 RNA. The TRE is both necessary and sufficient for this temporal upregulation. A TRE binding factor (TREB) is able to bind to the TRE, and a 22-base pair inverted repeat within the TRE is necessary and sufficient for this binding. We also find that the nuclear hormone receptor DAF-12 and the RNA binding protein LIN-28 are both required for the correct timing of let-7 RNA and let-7::gfp expression. We speculate that these heterochronic genes regulate let-7 expression through its TRE.

Lin, Shin-Yi, Steven M Johnson, Mary Abraham, Monica C Vella, Amy Pasquinelli, Chiara Gamberi, Ellen Gottlieb, and Frank J Slack. (2003) 2003. “The C Elegans Hunchback Homolog, Hbl-1, Controls Temporal Patterning and Is a Probable MicroRNA Target”. Developmental Cell 4 (5): 639-50.

hunchback regulates the temporal identity of neuroblasts in Drosophila. Here we show that hbl-1, the C. elegans hunchback ortholog, also controls temporal patterning. Furthermore, hbl-1 is a probable target of microRNA regulation through its 3'UTR. hbl-1 loss-of-function causes the precocious expression of adult seam cell fates. This phenotype is similar to loss-of-function of lin-41, a known target of the let-7 microRNA. Like lin-41 mutations, hbl-1 loss-of-function partially suppresses a let-7 mutation. The hbl-1 3'UTR is both necessary and sufficient to downregulate a reporter gene during development, and the let-7 and lin-4 microRNAs are both required for HBL-1/GFP downregulation. Multiple elements in the hbl-1 3'UTR show complementarity to regulatory microRNAs, suggesting that microRNAs directly control hbl-1. MicroRNAs may likewise function to regulate Drosophila hunchback during temporal patterning of the nervous system.