Wenliang Pan, PhD

Instructor in Medicine

Wenliang Pan, PhD

Instructor in Medicine

I obtained a PhD degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in Biomedical Sciences, Hong Kong. After that I join Tsokos lab for postdoctoral training. My current project are extensively involved in the study of the role of PP2A in the regulation of immune cell function including its role in the regulation of B cell responses and IL-2R signaling.  Because PP2A is ubiquitously expressed, a fact that limits its therapeutic manipulation, I have focused on the study of the role of specific regulatory subunits in the function of T cell function.  Using human samples and genetically engineered mice, I have reported that the PP2A regulatory subunit PPP2R2A (also known as Bα) through the guanine nucleotide exchange factor GEF-H1 increases the activity of Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) in T cells and the generation of Th17 cells. In contrast, the PP2A regulatory subunit PPP2R2D (also known as Bδ) suppresses IL-2 production epigenetically and promotes Treg function.