Attending the American Heart Association 2024 Scientific Sessions

Drs. Strom and Spetko at AHA

This weekend, Dr. Jordan Strom and research fellow, Dr. Nick Spetko, headed to Chicago for the annual American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. Here, Nick's abstract presentation on imaging deserts and access to imaging centers across the US gained the attention of many cardiology researchers and clinicians, including AHA Utah's Viet Le who interviewed Nick about his poster. Head to @DocStrom's X to see the video.

Dr. Strom presented two posters this year. One about whether a liberal or restrictive blood transfusion is better for patients with chronic kidney disease and anemia experiencing an acute myocardial infarction. The other presentation showed the results of his study analyzing the risks associated with contrast use for cardiac ultrasound. It found that contrast agents for ultrasound remain the safest of all contrast agents, with a 1 in 10,000 chance of a serious reaction, and that these contrast agents continue to improve patient outcomes.