Shuoshuo Wang, PhD
Meet Shuoshuo Wang, the Senior Scientist within the Spatial Technologies Unit of the Precision RNA Medicine (PRM) Core. He completed his education in Marburg, Germany. His post-graduate and post-doctoral training in cell and developmental biology was completed in Osnabrueck (Germany), Basel (Switzerland), and Rehovot (Israel) before transitioning to a staff scientist role at NYU School of Medicine and Harvard University.
He is a member of the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) and the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF). He serves as a reviewer for journals in cell and developmental biology, cardiovascular research, and as a guest editor for the Journal of Histotechnology.
His research interests include developing spatial transcriptomic technologies, pathology in genitourinary oncology, and mechanotransduction in development and diseases.