Shuoshuo Wang, PhD

Senior Scientist within the Spatial Technologies Unit of the Precision RNA Medicine (PRM) Core

Shuoshuo Wang, PhD

Senior Scientist within the Spatial Technologies Unit of the Precision RNA Medicine (PRM) Core

Meet Shuoshuo Wang, the Senior Scientist within the Spatial Technologies Unit of the Precision RNA Medicine (PRM) Core. He completed his education in Marburg, Germany. His post-graduate and post-doctoral training in cell and developmental biology was completed in Osnabrueck (Germany), Basel (Switzerland), and Rehovot (Israel) before transitioning to a staff scientist role at NYU School of Medicine and Harvard University.

He is a member of the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) and the Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF). He serves as a reviewer for journals in cell and developmental biology, cardiovascular research, and as a guest editor for the Journal of Histotechnology.

His research interests include developing spatial transcriptomic technologies, pathology in genitourinary oncology, and mechanotransduction in development and diseases.