Publications by Year: 2010


Banerjee, Diya, Xin Chen, Shin Yi Lin, and Frank J Slack. (2010) 2010. “Kin-19/Casein Kinase Iα Has Dual Functions in Regulating Asymmetric Division and Terminal Differentiation in C. Elegans Epidermal Stem Cells”. Cell Cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) 9 (23): 4748-65.

Casein Kinase I (CKI) is a conserved component of the Wnt signaling pathway, which regulates cell fate determination in metazoans. We show that post-embryonic asymmetric division and fate specification of C. elegans epidermal stem cells are controlled by a non-canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, involving the β-catenins WRM-1 and SYS-1, and that C. elegans kin-19/CKIα functions in this pathway. Furthermore, we find that kin-19 is the only member of the Wnt asymmetry pathway that functions with, or in parallel to, the heterochronic temporal patterning pathway to control withdrawal from self-renewal and subsequent terminal differentiation of epidermal stem cells. We show that, except in the case of kin-19, the Wnt asymmetry pathway and the heterochronic pathway function separately and in parallel to control different aspects of epidermal stem cell fate specification. However, given the function of kin-19/CKIα in both pathways, and that CKI, Wnt signaling pathway and heterochronic pathway genes are widely conserved in animals, our findings suggest that CKIα may function as a regulatory hub through which asymmetric division and terminal differentiation are coordinated in adult stem cells of vertebrates.

Gerstein, Mark B, Zhi John Lu, Eric L Van Nostrand, Chao Cheng, Bradley I Arshinoff, Tao Liu, Kevin Y Yip, et al. (2010) 2010. “Integrative Analysis of the Caenorhabditis Elegans Genome by the ModENCODE Project”. Science (New York, N.Y.) 330 (6012): 1775-87.

We systematically generated large-scale data sets to improve genome annotation for the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a key model organism. These data sets include transcriptome profiling across a developmental time course, genome-wide identification of transcription factor-binding sites, and maps of chromatin organization. From this, we created more complete and accurate gene models, including alternative splice forms and candidate noncoding RNAs. We constructed hierarchical networks of transcription factor-binding and microRNA interactions and discovered chromosomal locations bound by an unusually large number of transcription factors. Different patterns of chromatin composition and histone modification were revealed between chromosome arms and centers, with similarly prominent differences between autosomes and the X chromosome. Integrating data types, we built statistical models relating chromatin, transcription factor binding, and gene expression. Overall, our analyses ascribed putative functions to most of the conserved genome.