

Vella, Monica C, Eun-Young Choi, Shin-Yi Lin, Kristy Reinert, and Frank J Slack. (2004) 2004. “The C. Elegans MicroRNA Let-7 Binds to Imperfect Let-7 Complementary Sites from the Lin-41 3’UTR”. Genes & Development 18 (2): 132-7.

Caenorhabditis elegans let-7, a founding member of the microRNA family, is predicted to bind to six sites in the 3'UTR of the mRNA of its target gene, lin-41, to down-regulate LIN-41. Here, we demonstrate that wild-type let-7 microRNA binds in vitro to RNA from the lin-41 3'UTR. This interaction is dependent on two conserved let-7 complementary sites (LCSs). A 27-nucleotide sequence between the LCSs is also necessary for down-regulation in vivo. LCS mutations compensatory to the lesion in let-7(n2853) can partially restore lin-41 3'UTR function in a let-7(n2853) background, providing the first experimental evidence for an animal miRNA binding directly to its validated target in vivo.

Vella, Monica C, Kristy Reinert, and Frank J Slack. (2004) 2004. “Architecture of a Validated MicroRNA::Target Interaction”. Chemistry & Biology 11 (12): 1619-23.

MicroRNAs are small approximately 22 nucleotide regulators of numerous biological processes and bind target gene messenger RNAs to control gene expression. The C. elegans microRNA let-7 and its target lin-41 were the first microRNA::target interaction to be validated in vivo. let-7 molecules form imperfect duplexes with two required let-7 complementary sites in the lin-41 3' UTR. Here, we show that base pairing at both the 5' and 3' ends of the let-7 binding site, as well as the presence of unpaired RNA residues in the predicted duplexes, are required for lin-41 downregulation. In this study, our model for microRNA::target interactions also demonstrates that the context of a microRNA binding can be critical for function, revealing an unforeseen complexity in microRNA::target interactions.

Esquela-Kerscher, Aurora, and Frank J Slack. (2004) 2004. “The Age of High-Throughput MicroRNA Profiling”. Nature Methods 1 (2): 106-7.


Johnson, Steven M, Shin Yi Lin, and Frank J Slack. (2003) 2003. “The Time of Appearance of the C. Elegans Let-7 MicroRNA Is Transcriptionally Controlled Utilizing a Temporal Regulatory Element in Its Promoter”. Developmental Biology 259 (2): 364-79.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a large family of small regulatory RNAs that are poorly understood. The let-7 miRNA regulates the timing of the developmental switch from larval to adult cell fates during Caenorhabditis elegans development. Expression of let-7 RNA is temporally regulated, with robust expression in the fourth larval and adult stages. Here, we show that, like let-7 RNA, a transcriptional fusion of the let-7 promoter to gfp is temporally regulated, indicating that let-7 is transcriptionally controlled. Temporal upregulation of let-7 transcription requires an enhancer element, the temporal regulatory element (TRE), situated about 1200 base pairs upstream of the start of the mature let-7 RNA. The TRE is both necessary and sufficient for this temporal upregulation. A TRE binding factor (TREB) is able to bind to the TRE, and a 22-base pair inverted repeat within the TRE is necessary and sufficient for this binding. We also find that the nuclear hormone receptor DAF-12 and the RNA binding protein LIN-28 are both required for the correct timing of let-7 RNA and let-7::gfp expression. We speculate that these heterochronic genes regulate let-7 expression through its TRE.

Lin, Shin-Yi, Steven M Johnson, Mary Abraham, Monica C Vella, Amy Pasquinelli, Chiara Gamberi, Ellen Gottlieb, and Frank J Slack. (2003) 2003. “The C Elegans Hunchback Homolog, Hbl-1, Controls Temporal Patterning and Is a Probable MicroRNA Target”. Developmental Cell 4 (5): 639-50.

hunchback regulates the temporal identity of neuroblasts in Drosophila. Here we show that hbl-1, the C. elegans hunchback ortholog, also controls temporal patterning. Furthermore, hbl-1 is a probable target of microRNA regulation through its 3'UTR. hbl-1 loss-of-function causes the precocious expression of adult seam cell fates. This phenotype is similar to loss-of-function of lin-41, a known target of the let-7 microRNA. Like lin-41 mutations, hbl-1 loss-of-function partially suppresses a let-7 mutation. The hbl-1 3'UTR is both necessary and sufficient to downregulate a reporter gene during development, and the let-7 and lin-4 microRNAs are both required for HBL-1/GFP downregulation. Multiple elements in the hbl-1 3'UTR show complementarity to regulatory microRNAs, suggesting that microRNAs directly control hbl-1. MicroRNAs may likewise function to regulate Drosophila hunchback during temporal patterning of the nervous system.


Ramaswamy, Gopalakrishna, and Frank J Slack. (2002) 2002. “SiRNA. A Guide for RNA Silencing”. Chemistry & Biology 9 (10): 1053-5.

RNAi is routinely used to eliminate gene activity for experimental purposes. However, the precise molecular mechanism of RNAi is unknown. Recent papers partially illuminate this mechanism in human cells, advancing the potential application of RNAi toward the treatment of human disease.

Grosshans, Helge, and Frank J Slack. (2002) 2002. “Micro-RNAs: Small Is Plentiful”. The Journal of Cell Biology 156 (1): 17-21.

Two small temporally regulated RNAs (stRNAs)* of approximately 22 nucleotides regulate timing of gene expression during development of the nematode C. elegans. This regulation occurs at a posttranscriptional, presumably translational, level and is distinct from RNA interference (RNAi). One of the two stRNAs, let-7, as well as its target gene, lin-41, are highly conserved even in humans, suggesting a wide employment of stRNA-mediated gene regulation. Recent reports indicate that these two stRNAs are indeed likely to represent only the tip of an iceberg with hundreds or more of additional micro-RNAs (miRNAs) existing in metazoans. miRNAs might thus be previously underestimated key participants in the field of gene regulation.