Aging Research

Aging research is critically important for medicine and public health with the anticipated surge in the older population with the aging of the Baby Boom generation. Investigators within the Division are conducting studies designed to improve our understanding and management of acute and chronic health conditions among older adults, with the goal of promoting quality of life and functional independence. Below is a sampling of some of the ongoing work in the Division focused on aging and older adults.


Delirium, or acute confusion, is a common, morbid, and costly complication of acute hospitalization in older adults, with substantial negative impact on long term cognitive and physical functioning. Dr. Edward Marcantonio conducts research to improve our understanding of delirium in older hospitalized patients. He is developing and testing new interventions to prevent delirium during hospital stays, and to reduce its long term persistence and adverse sequelae after hospitalization. Dr. Sarinnapha Vasunilashorn also studies the biological basis of delirium, including its genetic and proteomic underpinnings.

Medical Decision-Making

Medical decision-making can be challenging in older adults. On one hand, given the increased morbidity associated with aging, medical interventions have a strong potential to improve quality of life and functional independence. On the other hand, each intervention must be considered in the context of the whole patient, who may have multiple co-morbidities, functional dependencies, and potentially, a shortened life span. Several researchers are conducting investigations within this context:

Dr. Mara Schonberg examines issues of cancer screening and treatment in older women, informing re-evaluations of current guidelines and how to optimally target these measures to those who would most benefit.