Chronic pain management in dermatology: a guide to assessment and nonopioid pharmacotherapy.

Enamandram M, Rathmell JP, Kimball AB. Chronic pain management in dermatology: a guide to assessment and nonopioid pharmacotherapy.. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2015;73(4):563-73; quiz 573.


Pain is a central component of illness and suffering, yet unfortunately it is frequently undertreated. In dermatology, many acute and chronic conditions are characterized by pain that may require therapeutic intervention in addition to medical treatment aimed at treating the primary disease. To date, however, there are limited recommendations or evidence in the published literature on pain and pain management strategies for patients with skin disease. In an effort to enable providers to more comprehensively and effectively treat chronic pain in the primary and multidisciplinary dermatologic context, these topics will be discussed in this 2-part continuing medical education article. Part I of this series will describe important mechanisms of pain and detail individualized chronic pain assessment and treatment strategies using nonopioid analgesia.

Last updated on 07/10/2024