
The National Institutes of Health (NINDS, NIA) provides funding for projects in our lab. We are also sincerely grateful to the patients, family members, and caregivers who donated their time, brains, and biospecimens for biomedical research.


R21NS127211 (Bruno A. Benitez)Sep 20, 2022 - Aug 31, 2024
The role of CSPalpha in Adult onset neuronal Lipofuscinosis pathogenesis
Role: Principal Investigator

RF1AG071706 (Bruno A. Benitez)Jun 1, 2022 - May 31, 2025
Multimodal Characterization of the Role of Circular RNAs in Alzheimer's Disease
Role: Co-Principal Investigator

R01NS118146 (BENITEZ, BRUNO A.)Sep 30, 2020 - Aug 31, 2025
Multi-tissue high-throughput proteomic and genomic study in Parkinson's Disease
Role: Principal Investigator


R01 AG083753-01 (PI; Davis A) 7/1/23-6/30/28
Role of glia in APOE regulation of alpha-synuclein pathology
Role: Co-Investigator


Mapping the neurophysiologic and molecular mechanisms of cortical hyperexcitability in Alzheimer’s disease
BIDMC Translational Research Hubs 2023 Spark Grant Awards
PI (Multi-PI: Stephanie Buss- Co-PI)
The goal is to understand increased cortical excitability's role in AD progression to better design future disease-modifying treatment trials


Sex-Specific Genetic Drivers of Alzheimer's Disease Endophenotypes
NIH R01 AG074012-01
Co-Investigator (Multi-PI: Kaczorowski; Harari)
The project leverages endophenotypes of Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology and cognitive decline to identify novel sex-specific genetic markers of AD risk and resilience.