[RO1 DK135541] The brain controls the kidney's excretion of salt, its release of the blood pressure controlling protein, renin and its ability to remove blood poisons through filtration, and it is likely that disorders in brain control lead to hypertension and sudden failure of kidney function. Until we can identify the specific nerve cells in the brain which control the kidney, we will not be able make progress in understanding how the brain controls kidney function. The studies proposed in this grant will identify which nerve cells in two parts of the brain (hypothalamus and medulla) actually control kidney function and in doing so will open the way for investigators to map out the brain circuits that control kidney function in health and disease.
[R25 DK095727] A course for renal fellows held at the MDI Biological Laboratory in Bar Harbor, ME, with hands-on research education in fundamental concepts of homeostasis. It exposes nephrology fellows to the classical experiments that form the foundation of renal physiology and nephrology.
[R01 DK113030] Many patients suffer from incontinence and overactive bladder, often because the nerves controlling bladder filling and voiding fail to function. The proposed studies will use state of the art neural mapping methods, coupled with careful measurements of bladder function in awake and anesthetized mice, to define how the brain integrates signals from the bladder and the external environment to control bladder filling and voiding. These studies should help us to develop a clear understanding of why bladder symptoms occur, and how to treat them.
[P20 DK119789] This project will develop a highly specific parts list of all the neurons in two regions of the brain which control how our bladder works. At present there are many diseases which adversely affect our ability to urinate normally and for which there is no known cause. This Center will both train new physicians and scientists who will study these diseases as well as provide them with new and powerful information on which cells in the brain to investigate as being responsible.