Publications by Author: Joel C Geerling


Verstegen AM, Tish MM, Szczepanik LP, Zeidel ML, Geerling JC. Micturition video thermography in awake, behaving mice.. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 2020;331:108449. doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2019.108449

BACKGROUND: Our understanding of the neural circuits controlling micturition and continence is constrained by a paucity of techniques for measuring voiding in awake, behaving mice.

NEW METHOD: To facilitate progress in this area, we developed a new, non-invasive assay, micturition video thermography (MVT), using a down-facing thermal camera above mice on a filter paper floor.

RESULTS: Most C57B6/J mice void infrequently, with a stereotyped behavioral sequence, and usually in a corner. The timing of each void is indicated by the warm thermal contrast of freshly voided urine. Over the following 10-15 min, urine cools to ∼3 °C below the ambient temperature and spreads radially in the filter paper. By measuring the area of cool contrast comprising this "thermal void spot," we can derive the initially voided volume. Thermal videos also reveal mouse behaviors including a home-corner preference apart from void spots, and a stereotyped, seconds-long pause while voiding.

COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS AND CONCLUSIONS: MVT is a robust, non-invasive method for measuring the timing, volume, and location of voiding. It improves on an existing technique, the void spot assay, by adding timing information, and unlike the cystometrogram preparation, MVT does not require surgical catheterization. Combining MVT with current neuroscience techniques will improve our understanding of the neural circuits that control continence, which is important for addressing the growing number of patients with urinary incontinence as the population ages.

Verstegen AMJ, Klymko N, Zhu L, et al. Non-Crh Glutamatergic Neurons in Barrington’s Nucleus Control Micturition via Glutamatergic Afferents from the Midbrain and Hypothalamus.. Current Biology. 2019;29(17):2775-2789.e7. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2019.07.009

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are exceptionally common and debilitating, and they are likely caused or exacerbated by dysfunction of neural circuits controlling bladder function. An incomplete understanding of neural control of bladder function limits our ability to clinically address LUTS. Barrington's nucleus (Bar) provides descending control of bladder and sphincter function, and its glutamatergic neurons expressing corticotropin releasing hormone (BarCrh/Vglut2) are implicated in bladder control. However, it remains unclear whether this subset of Bar neurons is necessary for voiding, and the broader circuitry providing input to this control center remains largely unknown. Here, we examine the contribution to micturition behavior of BarCrh/Vglut2 neurons relative to the overall BarVglut2 population. First, we identify robust, excitatory synaptic input to Bar. Glutamatergic axons from the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) intensely innervate and are functionally connected to Bar, and optogenetic stimulation of these axon terminals reliably provokes voiding. Similarly, optogenetic stimulation of BarVglut2 neurons triggers voiding, whereas stimulating the BarCrh/Vglut2 subpopulation causes bladder contraction, typically without voiding. Next, we genetically ablate either BarVglut2 or BarCrh/Vglut2 neurons and found that only BarVglut2 ablation replicates the profound urinary retention produced by conventional lesions in this region. Fiber photometry recordings reveal that BarVglut2 neuron activity precedes increased bladder pressure, while activity of BarCrh/Vglut2 is phase delayed. Finally, deleting Crh from Bar neurons has no effect on voiding and related bladder physiology. Our results help identify the circuitry that modulates Bar neuron activity and identify subtypes that may serve different roles in micturition.