Publications by Author: Anne M J Verstegen


Verstegen AMJ, Klymko N, Zhu L, et al. Non-Crh Glutamatergic Neurons in Barrington’s Nucleus Control Micturition via Glutamatergic Afferents from the Midbrain and Hypothalamus.. Current Biology. 2019;29(17):2775-2789.e7. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2019.07.009

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are exceptionally common and debilitating, and they are likely caused or exacerbated by dysfunction of neural circuits controlling bladder function. An incomplete understanding of neural control of bladder function limits our ability to clinically address LUTS. Barrington's nucleus (Bar) provides descending control of bladder and sphincter function, and its glutamatergic neurons expressing corticotropin releasing hormone (BarCrh/Vglut2) are implicated in bladder control. However, it remains unclear whether this subset of Bar neurons is necessary for voiding, and the broader circuitry providing input to this control center remains largely unknown. Here, we examine the contribution to micturition behavior of BarCrh/Vglut2 neurons relative to the overall BarVglut2 population. First, we identify robust, excitatory synaptic input to Bar. Glutamatergic axons from the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) intensely innervate and are functionally connected to Bar, and optogenetic stimulation of these axon terminals reliably provokes voiding. Similarly, optogenetic stimulation of BarVglut2 neurons triggers voiding, whereas stimulating the BarCrh/Vglut2 subpopulation causes bladder contraction, typically without voiding. Next, we genetically ablate either BarVglut2 or BarCrh/Vglut2 neurons and found that only BarVglut2 ablation replicates the profound urinary retention produced by conventional lesions in this region. Fiber photometry recordings reveal that BarVglut2 neuron activity precedes increased bladder pressure, while activity of BarCrh/Vglut2 is phase delayed. Finally, deleting Crh from Bar neurons has no effect on voiding and related bladder physiology. Our results help identify the circuitry that modulates Bar neuron activity and identify subtypes that may serve different roles in micturition.

Venner A, De Luca R, Sohn LT, et al. An Inhibitory Lateral Hypothalamic-Preoptic Circuit Mediates Rapid Arousals from Sleep.. Current Biology. 2019;29(24):4155-4168.e5. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2019.10.026

Among the neuronal populations implicated in sleep-wake control, the ventrolateral preoptic (VLPO) nucleus has emerged as a key sleep-promoting center. However, the synaptic drives that regulate the VLPO to control arousal levels in vivo have not to date been identified. Here, we show that sleep-promoting galaninergic neurons within the VLPO nucleus, defined pharmacologically and by single-cell transcript analysis, are postsynaptic targets of lateral hypothalamic GABAergic (LHGABA) neurons and that activation of this pathway in vivo rapidly drives wakefulness. Ca2+ imaging from LHGABA neurons indicate that they are both wake and rapid eye movement (REM)-sleep active. Consistent with the potent arousal-promoting property of the LHGABA → VLPO pathway, presynaptic inputs to LHGABA neurons originate from several canonical stress- and arousal-related network nodes. This work represents the first demonstration that direct synaptic inhibition of the VLPO area can suppress sleep-promoting neurons to rapidly promote arousal.


Nardone S, De Luca R, Zito A, et al. A spatially-resolved transcriptional atlas of the murine dorsal pons at single-cell resolution.. Nature Communications. 2024;15(1):1966. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-45907-7

The "dorsal pons", or "dorsal pontine tegmentum" (dPnTg), is part of the brainstem. It is a complex, densely packed region whose nuclei are involved in regulating many vital functions. Notable among them are the parabrachial nucleus, the Kölliker Fuse, the Barrington nucleus, the locus coeruleus, and the dorsal, laterodorsal, and ventral tegmental nuclei. In this study, we applied single-nucleus RNA-seq (snRNA-seq) to resolve neuronal subtypes based on their unique transcriptional profiles and then used multiplexed error robust fluorescence in situ hybridization (MERFISH) to map them spatially. We sampled  1 million cells across the dPnTg and defined the spatial distribution of over 120 neuronal subtypes. Our analysis identified an unpredicted high transcriptional diversity in this region and pinpointed the unique marker genes of many neuronal subtypes. We also demonstrated that many neuronal subtypes are transcriptionally similar between humans and mice, enhancing this study's translational value. Finally, we developed a freely accessible, GPU and CPU-powered dashboard ( ) that combines interactive visual analytics and hardware-accelerated SQL into a data science framework to allow the scientific community to query and gain insights into the data.