Publications by Year: 2022


Bodmer NS, Wirth C, Birkhäuser V, et al. Randomised Controlled Trials Assessing the Clinical Value of Urodynamic Studies: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.. European urology open science. 2022;44:131-141. doi:10.1016/j.euros.2022.08.013

CONTEXT: The role of urodynamic studies (UDSs) in the diagnosis of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is crucial. Although expert statements and guidelines underline their value for clinical decision-making in various clinical settings, the academic debate as to their impact on patient outcomes continues.

OBJECTIVE: To summarise the evidence from all randomised controlled trials assessing the clinical usefulness of UDS in the management of LUTS.

EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: For this systematic review, searches were performed without language restrictions in three electronic databases until November 18, 2020. The inclusion criteria were randomised controlled study design and allocation to receive UDS or not prior to any clinical management. Quality assessment was performed by two reviewers independently, using the Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing the risk of bias. A random-effect meta-analysis was performed on the uniformly reported outcome parameters.

EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Eight trials were included, and all but two focused on women with pure or predominant stress urinary incontinence (SUI). A meta-analysis of six studies including 942 female patients was possible for treatment success, as defined by the authors (relative risk 1.00, 95% confidence interval: 0.93-1.07), indicating no difference in efficacy when managing women with UDS.

CONCLUSIONS: Although UDSs are not replaceable in diagnostics, since there is no other equivalent method to find out exactly what the lower urinary tract problem is, there are little data supporting its impact on outcomes. Randomised controlled trials have focussed on a small group of women with uncomplicated SUI and showed no added value, but these findings cannot be extrapolated to the overall patient population with LUTS, warranting further well-designed trials.

PATIENT SUMMARY: Despite urodynamics being the gold standard to assess lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), as it is the only method that can specify lower urinary tract dysfunction, more studies assessing the clinical usefulness of urodynamic studies (UDSs) in the management of LUTS are needed. UDS investigation is not increasing the probability of success in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence.

Hofer AS, Scheuber MI, Sartori AM, et al. Stimulation of the cuneiform nucleus enables training and boosts recovery after spinal cord injury.. Brain : a journal of neurology. 2022;145(10):3681-3697. doi:10.1093/brain/awac184

Severe spinal cord injuries result in permanent paraparesis in spite of the frequent sparing of small portions of white matter. Spared fibre tracts are often incapable of maintaining and modulating the activity of lower spinal motor centres. Effects of rehabilitative training thus remain limited. Here, we activated spared descending brainstem fibres by electrical deep brain stimulation of the cuneiform nucleus of the mesencephalic locomotor region, the main control centre for locomotion in the brainstem, in adult female Lewis rats. We show that deep brain stimulation of the cuneiform nucleus enhances the weak remaining motor drive in highly paraparetic rats with severe, incomplete spinal cord injuries and enables high-intensity locomotor training. Stimulation of the cuneiform nucleus during rehabilitative aquatraining after subchronic (n = 8 stimulated versus n = 7 unstimulated versus n = 7 untrained rats) and chronic (n = 14 stimulated versus n = 9 unstimulated versus n = 9 untrained rats) spinal cord injury re-established substantial locomotion and improved long-term recovery of motor function. We additionally identified a safety window of stimulation parameters ensuring context-specific locomotor control in intact rats (n = 18) and illustrate the importance of timing of treatment initiation after spinal cord injury (n = 14). This study highlights stimulation of the cuneiform nucleus as a highly promising therapeutic strategy to enhance motor recovery after subchronic and chronic incomplete spinal cord injury with direct clinical applicability.

Musco S, Ecclestone H, Hoen L ’t, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Surgical Treatments for Neurogenic Stress Urinary Incontinence in Adults: A Systematic Review.. European urology focus. 2022;8(4):1090-1102. doi:10.1016/j.euf.2021.08.007

CONTEXT: Controversy still exists regarding the balance of benefits and harms for the different surgical options for neurogenic stress urinary incontinence (N-SUI).

OBJECTIVE: To identify which surgical option for N-SUI offers the highest cure rate and best safety without compromising urinary tract function and bladder management.

EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A systematic review was performed under the auspices of the European Association of Urology Guidelines Office and the European Association of Urology Neuro-Urology Guidelines Panel according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement.

EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: A total of 32 studies were included. Overall, 852 neurourological patients were surgically treated for N-SUI. The treatment offered most often (13/32 studies) was an artificial urinary sphincter (AUS; 49%, 416/852) and was associated with a need for reintervention in one-third of patients. More than 200 surgical revisions were described. Overall, 146/852 patients (17%) received concomitant bladder augmentation, mainly during placement of an AUS (42%, 62/146) or autologous sling (34% of women and 14% of men). Following pubovaginal sling placement, dryness was achieved in 83% of cases. A significant improvement in N-SUI was observed in 87% (82/94) of women following placement of a synthetic midurethral sling. Efficacy after insertion of an adjustable continence therapy device (ACT 40%, proACT 60%) was reported for 38/128 cases (30%). The cure rate for bulking agents was 35% (9/25) according to 2/32 studies, mainly among men (90%). The risk of bias was highly relevant. Baseline and postoperative cystometry were missing in 13 and 28 studies, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: The evidence is mainly reported in retrospective studies. More than one intervention is often required to achieve continence because of coexisting neurogenic detrusor overactivity, low compliance, or the onset of complications in the medium and long term. Urodynamic data are needed to better clarify the success of N-SUI treatment with the different techniques.

PATIENT SUMMARY: Our review shows that insertion of an artificial urinary sphincter for urinary incontinence is effective but is highly associated with a need for repeat surgery. Other surgical options may have lower continence rates or a risk of requiring intermittent catheterization, which patients should be informed about before deciding on surgery for their incontinence.