
Participant Engagement and Retention in Groups

Project SUCCESS has been a crucial support for our participants, offering interactive group sessions that have proven immensely popular among attendees. Here, we're sharing a few strategies that have...

Implementing Evidence-Based Practices (EBP)

Participating in Project SUCCESS enabled our Certified Community Behavioral Health Center to pilot one of the two evidence-based practices (EBP) the project compares. Here, we share a few of the...

Service Preferences

Weekly group sessions are the primary component of both CET and HOPES—the interventions we are comparing in Project SUCCESS. Both Cognitive Enhancement Therapy and Helping Ourselves Perceive &...

The Smell of Success

What if a simple scratch-and-sniff test could predict successful outcomes from psychosocial interventions for people with schizophrenia? That’s the primary question we are asking in a NIMH-funded...

Stakeholder Engagement in Research

Jonathan Delman, Behavioral Health Research Solutions

Stakeholder engagement (SE) in research is the process of researchers and stakeholders working together to answer mutually chosen research...

The Technological Challenges During CET Supervision

Cognitive Enhancement Therapy (CET) comprises three integral components: individual psychotherapy, computerized neurocognitive training in pairs, and skills group. Among these, mastering the...

The Power and Process of Social Connection

Project SUCCESS compares two programs that are both designed to improve social functioning. Why is this important? In this week’s post, I’ll discuss the research that helped me recognize the...