The Translational MRI Research Core of the BIDMC Department of Radiology provides state-of-the-art MRI capabilities for imaging human subjects and potentially large animals as part of research studies. The facility operates a 70cm bore GE Signa Premier XT 3T whole-body scanner completely dedicated to research.

Located in the Ansin Building on BIDMC's East Campus, the scanner is FDA-cleared for clinical use. In addition to commercial tools for clinical imaging, it has proprietary software including pulse programming environments and reconstruction programs and customizable software and protocols for applications including functional and structural brain imaging, abdominal perfusion, and diffusion. Our MRI Research Suite is equipped with a Medrad (Bayer) power injector for contrast administration and equipment for visual and auditory stimulus and response.
Additional Services
Our facility can also provide image post-processing and computerized image transfer, and assistance to ensure MRI equipment safety.