The Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center at BIDMC brings together an exceptional team of multidisciplinary providers to offer personalized care and the most advanced treatment to patients with Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, dystonia, tremors, atypical parkinsonism, and various other movement disorders. In addition to providing world-class care, our team provides educational and support resources, offers specialty appointments at an Interdisciplinary Clinic, and is actively involved in groundbreaking clinical trials. We respect all people.
Ready to get started?
To book a movement disorders clinic appointment, call us today!
P: 617-667-0519
For questions about Deep Brain Stimulation or to schedule a DBS appointment, please contact Jocelyn Gutierrez.
P: 617-632-7246, Option 4
Interested in learning about clinical research opportunities or our Parkinson's Disease Interdisciplinary Clinic?
P: 617-667-9890