Welcome to Section 1- Beginning your Onboarding!
This section walks you through items that you need to do to get oriented to the Medical Center. Please review these in their entirety.
- Pick up your BIDMC ID Badge from BIDMC Public Safety
- Contact your PI/Manager for your BIDMC email and login credentials, which were emailed to them from Information Systems. This login is needed to access your email. If they have not received the credentials yet, please contact the Information Systems Help Desk at 617-221-4018 for assistance with activating your email account. Tell them that you have just started here as a research student and need your email account activated
- If you have any trouble receiving your BIDMC ID Badge, or are still unable to receive your credentials, please reach out to Ethan Selinger, Program Director for the BIDMC Office of Student Engagement and Experience (OSEE).
- Request an introductory meeting with your direct supervisor and/or mentor in the Lab (if this person is different than your direct supervisor), if one is not already scheduled. It is recommended that you have, at least, a weekly check-in meeting with your supervisor during your research experience.
- If you have any trouble communicating with and/or scheduling a meeting with your direct supervisor and/or mentor in the Lab (if this person is different than your direct supervisor), you are expected to reach out to Ethan/OSEE for assistance.
- During your introductory meeting, begin reviewing the Research Student Onboarding Checklist with your supervisor/mentor.
- You are expected to carry out the tasks outlined in this checklist within your first week at BIDMC
- Please note that you can continue moving forward in this Orientation while completing the items on the checklist. The trainings in section 2 of this Orientation are outlined in this checklist
- You are expected to carry out the tasks outlined in this checklist within your first week at BIDMC
Once you have reviewed this section, and have downloaded the Research Student Onboarding Checklist, you are ready to begin Section 2 - Trainings!