Section 2- Trainings

This section of the New Research Student Orientation will guide you through the trainings you are required to complete as you begin your position. You will need to complete the trainings assigned to you. Additional trainings may be required or recommended based on your specific role. All descriptions and links to trainings are included in this section.  Please review these in detail, and please consult your PI and/or supervisor for the specific trainings required for your work.

The visual chart below outlines trainings that are commonly required for researchers here at BIDMC. Please note that this is not inclusive of all of the trainings that your position may require.

MyPATH Trainings (All Employees)

MyPATH is a performance and training hub, which BIDMC uses to administer required trainings for BIDMC employees and contingent (unpaid) workers. All BIDMC employees and contingent workers are required to take the following trainings upon hire and annually: Compliance Education, Core Education, and Sexual Harassment Policy training. Additionally, trainings may be required or recommended based on your specific role. Please consult your PI or manager for a full listing of trainings required for your work.

The following courses will be automatically assigned to you within 48 hours of your start date via MyPATH.

  • Core Education
  • Compliance Education
  • Consolidated Research Safety Training

You can access MyPATH via the BIDMC Portal. To sign into the Portal, you will need your login credentials (BIDMC username and password), which should be provided to you by your supervisor. If you have not received these, please reach out to Ethan Selinger for assistance.

The image below showcases the hyperlink to MyPATH in the Portal.

About the Consolidated Research Safety Training (myPATH)

All research fellows and basic researchers here at BIDMC are required to take Consolidated Research Safety Training (CRST) as a seminar upon onboarding (register through myPATH) and subsequently as an annual online refresher course (assigned automatically). CRST gives an overview of topics including Research Compliance, Chemical Safety, Biosafety, Bloodborne Pathogen, and Radiation Safety.

Research Safety Trainings and Checklist

As you saw in the visual chart, in addition to the MyPATH Trainings, there are other position specific trainings on the BIDMC Research Portal that you may be required to complete based on the nature of your research position. More details on these trainings are included below. The research safety checklist is also included below, which you will complete with your supervisor to ensure that you have reviewed and completed all of the content necessary to begin work.

Note: to access the BIDMC Portal, you will use your username (email domain) and email password.

Position-Specific Trainings

  • Each link below includes a breakdown of trainings related to each category by topic, format, how the training is assigned/where it is located, and who is required to complete each training based on research focus and responsibilities. Specific questions should be directed to your supervisor. As above, access to these trainings are located in the BIDMC Portal, and requires your BIDMC login credentials.

Research Safety Training Checklist

  • The Research Safety Training Checklist is a helpful tool as you track completion of the necessary trainings. Complete the Research Safety Training Checklist and review this with your supervisor before beginning any work. Please reach out to Ethan Selinger if you need any assistance.

Once you have completed the items in this section, please move onto Section 3 - Making the most of your experience at BIDMC!