
The VA Caribbean Healthcare System provides for the health care needs of Veterans in the Caribbean islands. The VA Caribbean Healthcare System provides services to a population of 150,000 Veterans in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. DCI and the VA are currently working on a VA Funded Research Study: Enhancing Access: A Pilot Study to evaluate Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) assessment in rural areas of U.S. territories using appropriate English and Spanish instrumentsvia Telehealth and Veterans Video Connect (VVC) interventions. The goal of this research study is to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the implementation of Telehealth and VVC interventions for TBI assessment, in the language of preference, of Veterans residing in rural areas of the Caribbean U.S. territories.

Collaborating Scientists: Dr. Irma Molina, Associate Chief of Staff for Research & Development & Dr. George Velez, Deputy Director, VA Caribbean Healthcare System

See also InfoSAGE project.
