About BIDMC Research Student Positions

All student research opportunities, paid or unpaid, require onboarding. Students conducting research need to either be employees (paid) or contingent workers (unpaid), regardless of the research they will be doing and systems they need to access to. All research positions should be a minimum of 8 weeks (J1 students must work a minimum of 12 weeks). If you have any questions or need guidance regarding research student positions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the OSEE

BIDMC Student Roles: Below is a breakdown of paid and contingent student positions at BIDMC (regardless of role responsibilities, length, hours per week, and pay) 

  • Research Student- Paid position in basic research  

  • Clinical Research Student- Paid position in clinical research 

  • Research Student Intern- Contingent (unpaid) position in basic research for educational benefit 

  • Clinical Research Student Intern- Contingent (unpaid) position in clinical research for educational benefit 

  • PhD Graduate Student- Graduate student conducting research as part of degree program; student may receive a paycheck from either BIDMC or their University 

  • Sponsored Graduate PhD Student- Graduate student doing research as part of a terminal degree program. The student may receive a paycheck by sponsor, not by BIDMC. These students may not necessarily have an employer nor are they required to 

You can review more information on each position here: ResearchStudentDefinitionsPDF.ashx