Supporting Students- Orientation and the Research Experience

Post-Arrival Onboarding- Communication and Orientation

The OSEE will communicate with students and supervisor upon arrival 

  • Arrival Communication- The OSEE sends a welcome email to students the day prior to their start date, and supervisors receive a copy of this email. This email includes steps for accessing the BIDMC Research Student Orientation, steps for picking up their ID badge, and a general introduction to the OSEE and research student support at BIDMC.

  • Research Student Orientation- The OSEE has updated the BIDMC research student orientation, redesigning the orientation for ease of access, ensuring all materials are updated, and providing additional guidance to students as they begin. The orientation material lives on the OSEE webpage, and instructions are sent to all research students via email. 

    • Please note that there are two forms that students will need to complete as part of the orientation, the Research Student Onboarding Agreement at the beginning of the orientation, and the Verification of Completion at the conclusion of the orientation. Students will receive up to 5 reminders via email to complete each form. OSEE will be in touch with the supervisor if the student does not complete these steps. 

Expectations- Guidance and supporting during the experience

  • It is vital that every research student receive guidance and support from their direct supervisor during their research experience. 
    • The BIDMC Research Student Orientation instructs students to request an introductory meeting with their direct supervisor and/or mentor (if different than the supervisor), and a recommended weekly meeting cadence with either their direct supervisor/and or mentor 

    • The research student orientation introduces students to the training curriculum. Students are provided with two documents to organize their learning: 

      • Research Student Onboarding Checklist: General housekeeping items to get new research student oriented to their position and ensure they have the materials needed to begin, including access to MyPATH and other necessary trainings 

      • Lab Safety Checklist: Breakdown of important basic and clinical research safety tasks new research students must complete/have knowledge of prior to performing any work 

        • Students are directed to share each checklist with their designated supervisor and/or mentor in the Lab to showcase progress. It is expected that the students’ supervisor and/or mentor reviews the checklists with each new research student hire upon completion