Pre-Arrival Onboarding Process

The Pre-Arrival Onboarding Process 

Please click here to review the current unpaid research student onboarding process. Questions on this specific process should be directed to Ethan Selinger, Program Director for the BIDMC Office of Student Engagement and Experience (OSEE).

3 weeks out from student's start date (not when the research student intake form is submitted, Talent Acquisition will begin the pre-arrival onboarding steps. These include:

  • Talent Acquisition will send student pre-arrival email, which includes steps completing forms, booking/attending virtual ID appointments, scheduling and attending health screening; PI/RA, supervisor (if different than PI), and the OSEE are copied on all pre-arrival emails 

    • It is the students’ responsibility to communicate with Talent Acquisition in a timely manner; Talent Acquisition will follow up one time if a student is unresponsive to communication or doesn’t show up to an appointment. Students' start date will be delayed by at least one week if they do not communicate or show up to scheduled appointments.

  • Talent Acquisition will send PIs/supervisors a pre-arrival email with steps for submitting an IS access request (information below) and other important reminders 

    • Information Systems (IS) Access Request

      • In order for new research student hires to receive access to their BIDMC emails and other systems (including EPIC), the student’s PI/supervisor will need to complete an IS Access Request. These steps are emailed directly in Talent Acquisition’s pre-arrival email to PIs/supervisors. Students' Supervisor will receive an email from Workday with students ID, which is necessary to complete the request.

      • PI/supervisor must share BIDMC email and temporary password with students on their first day of work- credentials will be emailed to PI/supervisor after completing the IS Access Request