Once a student reaches their official end date, students’ supervisors either choose to extend the student, or begin the offboarding and termination steps.
Research Student Terminations and Offboarding- all research students (employees and contingent workers) must be appropriately offboarded and terminated in the BILH Workday system upon conclusion of their research experience. To do so, the appropriate steps must be completed to ensure that they are removed from the system. Student roles are not terminated from the system automatically.
These steps can be completed by either the Principal Investigator or Research Assistant within the Department/Lab.
Terminating a Student Early- Not showing up/no longer able to work, performance, and/or behavior-based issues- There are times where, unfortunately, a student needs to be terminated early. Below are a list of circumstances, and actions that should be taken in the event of each:
- Not showing up/no longer able to work- If a student is onboarded into Workday and they are no longer able to work, it is vital that the student's record be terminated in Workday. Please reach out to the OSEE in this situation, we can put in a case to have the record removed.
- Performance/Behavior based issues- if you are having trouble working with a student due to either performance or behavior based issues, we highly encourage you to reach out to both the OSEE and Research HR for assistance prior to terminating the student. Our offices can assist in determining the appropriate course of action. If termination is deemed necessary, we will work with you on next steps to ensure that the necessary protocols have been taken.
Research Student Extensions- The BIDMC Office of Student Engagement and Experience (OSEE) oversees research student extensions for research departments/labs. If the end date of the research experience is coming up and the supervisor wishes to extend the experience further, you must follow the steps outlined here: Extending Research Student Work Experiences
Monthly Clean-up- Please note that both OSEE and Research HR will conduct monthly reviews and outreach to supervisors with research students that still have Workday profiles despite being past their contract end dates. Dependent on their status, OSEE and Research HR will either create case to extend the research student (following steps above), or terminate the student's profile on behalf of the department/lab.